The phone number or contact information for Daewoo Sahiwal Terminal is 040-4501163-64. Before departing for your destinations, stop by the Daewoo Express terminal at this spot, which is located close to the Bank of Punjab Arifwala chowk on Multan Road in Sahiwal. The helplines for freight and passengers can be reached at 042-111-007-008, 042-111-007-009.
Daewoo Sahiwal Terminal Contact Number
This bus route has more than fifty stations and has been in operation since 1999. The cities of Lahore, Jhang, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, Dera Ismail Khan, and Sahiwal are now served by its centres. To purchase a pass online, simply go to the company’s official website, which is provided below.
Terminal Address | Daewoo terminal near the Bank of Punjab Arifwala Chowk, Multan Road, Sahiwal |
UAN: | 042-111-007-008 |
Phone/Contact Number: | 040-4501163-64 | | |
Website | |
Social Media | |
Daewoo Sahiwal Terminal Location
Also Visit: Daewoo Jhang Terminal Contact Number
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